We’ve had VWV start as our lawyer in residence, Smith and Williamson have also had drop-in sessions, as have Corrigan Associates. The bonus of being with us is that we bring in industry buffs from all areas, all year round.
This year hasn’t just been about comings and goings. We’ve had so many other wonderful moments that have warmed our hearts, broaden our smiles and set it in stone that there is magic in the walls of this building. For starters how about Reach Robotics securing Apple as their distributer for the MekaMon?! What about Andrew Mulvenna from Bright Pearl coming to give everyone some pearls of wisdom (haha) on how difficult but ultimately rewarding starting your own business can be. Or our shared labs featuring on ‘Take Me Out’ and if we’re running with the on- screen theme then we have to mention Open Bionics with Tilly on ‘This Time Next Year’ and when Esoterix took over the news with their ‘My First Mile’ launch.