Our Lab Technician Christoph Zimmer Interviewed Pertinax Pharma’s Helena Grady
The laboratory space at Future Space offers early stage companies who work in the field of life sciences an excellent environment to expand their business, and to build a network with other research focussed companies. You meet interesting people every day, and it’s always inspiring to learn more about their research.
Dr Helena Grady works for Pertinax Pharma, who occupy a private lab and a bench in our shared Microbiology Lab. Pertinax was our first lab customer and moved in to Future Space in 2016. Founded 2015 as a spin-off of the University of Bristol, Pertinax develops antimicrobial products for commercial use. Today I have the pleasure to interview Helena, to ask her about her career, and to learn more about her research focus.
Thanks for doing this interview with me Helena!
C: What is your dinner party monologue for when someone asks “and what do you do?”
H: I am a senior development scientist working for a small spin-out company from the University of Bristol. We are working on novel antimicrobial technologies for human and veterinary healthcare applications.
C: What originally set you on the road towards a career in science?
H: I enjoyed science at school and had a great chemistry teacher who inspired me to study chemistry at university.
C: What institution(s) did you study at in your pursuit of postgraduate education?
H: I studied for an MChem in Chemistry with Industrial Training at the University of Bath, completing my industrial placement at AstraZeneca. I then moved to the University of Bristol for my PhD, studying at the Bristol Centre for Functional Nanomaterials.
C: What was the title of your PhD thesis, and how would you explain your findings to a novice?
H: “Development and Characterisation of Chlorhexidine-Hexametaphosphate Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Central Venous Catheters”.
Chlorhexidine digluconate is a common antiseptic readily found in mouthwashes, skin scrubs and wound dressings. However, it dissolves rapidly in aqueous solutions which is ineffective for long-term antimicrobial applications. A new sort of chlorhexidine was developed in my research group by Dr. Michele Barbour, which acts as a slow-release device, gradually releasing the antiseptic overtime. I therefore helped develop and characterise this novel nanomaterial and used it to functionalise central venous catheters which are prone to infection, especially in ill and immunocompromised medical patients requiring long-term treatment. I investigated the antimicrobial properties of these materials and their potential toxicity when exposed to human cells.
C: Tell us about your current research focus?
The current research at Pertinax Pharma Ltd. is based on the original antimicrobial technologies developed at the University of Bristol. I am predominantly involved in the manufacture, application and microbiology work within the company.
C: Within your area of study, what breakthroughs are on the horizon?
H: In the world of antimicrobial resistance, there is always the need to develop new drugs to keep up with bacterial resistance, and new diagnostic tests to track the development of resistance. It is also hugely important to raise the awareness of antibiotic stewardship, to change attitudes towards antibiotics – how they are misused and over-prescribed in both humans and animals.
C: What advice would you give someone looking to start, or progress his or her career in your field?
H: Although not necessary, I would advise someone to consider pursuing a PhD as I have found it hugely beneficial in progressing a career in the biopharma field.
C: Could you tell us about your experiences working at Future Space, and how do you like it here?
H: We really enjoy working at Future Space, not only the opportunity to network and collaborate with other companies, but also the ability to make use of the shared microbiology facilities.
C: And finally, what do you do to take a break from science?
H: I enjoy painting, cooking and travelling.
Christoph Zimmer
Future Space Lab Technician
Pertinax Pharma Senior Development Scientist