Hear from our lab technician, Christoph Zimmer, why Future Space is best for flexible lab space.

Looking for suitable laboratory space is generally the first step for emerging life sciences companies. But for most entrepreneurs it’s a time consuming and expensive struggle to set up and find lab space. Here at Future Space Bristol, we’ve got that first crucial step in establishing your own lab business already sorted for you – from equipment, to benches, to consumables. You can literally just come in and start your research!
You can either go for one of our dedicated labs and bring your own “furniture”, or you can rent a bench in our fully equipped shared labs. Along with a state-of-the-art general shared lab for DNA and protein analysis, we offer a specialized microbiology lab, as well as a cell culture lab. CO2 driven incubators, a liquid nitrogen store, electrophoresis systems, microscopes, flow hoods and biosafety cabinets are just some of our features in the shared lab area.

A bench in our lab area will not only give you a concrete tool kit to kick start your research projects, you will be part of a high tech science & innovation community. We don’t just see ourselves as a provider of workspace – we are keen in promoting an innovative ecosystem at Future Space, and are happy to support you in any way.
Located at the University of the West of England, we build a bridge between University based scientific research and its commercial exploitation. You will have plenty of opportunity to meet and network with other scientists. Our innovation support team is also happy to help in setting up and growing your business, and my humble self is always available to give you hands-on support in the lab and to provide you with lab consumables.
Come in a take a deep breath of creativity and innovation at Future Space today!
Christoph Zimmer, Future Space Lab Technician